I remember watching the Academy Awards in 2011 when Sean Penn received his Best Actor Oscar for his role in the movie "Milk." He said in his acceptance speech "I get why people have a HARD time liking me." Well, I get why people have a HARD time with the "energy" stuff. But, as I've mentioned, it DOESN'T MATTER if you believe that energy is involved or not. The important thing is that you're OPEN to the idea that there might be some INFLAMMATION in your legs (or other body parts), and you're WILLING to give this remedy a try. The herbs and minerals healing the inflammation and tissue damage is the EASY part. That's Nature at work, doing what Nature does. The real task at hand for you is to overcome your UNCONSCIOUS RESISTANCE TO CHANGE - to realign that part of us that FIGHTS change at all cost! That survival mechanism will attempt to keep you the same, REGARDLESS of how painful your current situation is. How many times have you offered advice to a family member or friend - something you KNEW would help EASE their current situation? And sure enough, they ignored you? They may have smiled and nodded their head, but they never acted on the advice. Did you ever wonder why people do that? |
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