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inflammation and disease

This PRETEST has been designed to give you a chance to try out this remedy without putting a dent into your budget. The supplements listed are relatively inexpensive, yet effective.

If you visited the Daily Intake web page that features a list of herbs, vitamins, minerals and supplements that will help remove your RLS, you'll have noticed that there are A LOT of supplements to consume each day. There are also some MAJOR dietary changes that are required in order to succeed.

Realistically, it's a VERY small price to pay for the relief that this remedy will bring.

I suffered for over 20 years from my increasingly painful RLS. I would have taken any number of supplements and given up any type of food in order to become free of the never-ending physical discomfort and emotional pain I was experiencing.

In the wee hours of MANY sleepless night, all I could think about was chopping my legs off. That's how bad the suffering had become.

I'm sure many of you can identify, and have had similar thoughts or feelings.

This PRETEST has been designed to include supplements that will address the primary cause of your RLS ... the CHRONIC INFLAMMATION that resides inside of you.

It also addresses the secondary aspects - the likelihood of high GLUTAMATE and HISTAMINE levels that are making sleep difficult for you.

In fact it's very likely that you're reading this at 3 a.m. during another sleepless night. This remedy will help you out on all levels.

I completely understand how deep and dark the hopelessness can go when suffering from this ailment. All that I am attempting to do with this PRETEST is to give you a glimmer of HOPE.

restless legs pretest
carrots absolute cure for restless legs syndrome Celery Juice anti-inflammatory
For decades a grassroots global healing movement has been building: drinking 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Today, millions of people around the world are participating and experiencing the benefits for themselves.

Why? Because celery juice, when consumed in the right way, is a powerful and miraculous healing remedy and people are noticing the benefits it provides, such as clearer skin, improved digestion, less bloating, sustained energy, better mental clarity, weight loss, and stable moods, just to name a few.

People are healing from all kinds of acute and chronic illnesses, including restless legs syndrome, Hashimoto?s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood sugar issues, migraines, acid reflux, high blood pressure, addictions, adrenal issues, gout, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and countless others, from drinking plain celery juice daily.

Celery juice is not a passing trend or fad. It will still be here in twenty years time because it works. It?s truly a miracle remedy.

Click here to visit the Celery Juice Instagram Page.
curcumin absolute cure for restless legs syndrome Curcumin anti-inflammatory
natural antihistamine
A component of the popular Indian curry spice turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family. Curcumin has been used as a component of Indian Ayurvedic medicine since 1,900 BCE to treat a wide variety of ailments. Curcumin is considered a potent non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory. Certain chemical constituents in Curcumin deactivate immune cells that may cause inflammation without harming other parts of the immune system that are essential in fighting infection. When regularly consumed, the curcumin in turmeric acts as a natural antihistamine and antioxidant for chronic hives, inflammatory skin ailments, and allergic reactions. Curcumin contains polyphenols and curcuminoids that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-amyloid properties. In a postoperative inflammation model for evaluating ant- iinflammatory activity, curcumin was found to have greater activity than phenylbutazone or placebo in a double. blind clinical trial. Curcumin has been shown to be as effective as cortisone and phenylbutazone in decreasing inflammation. It also works in several ways to decrease inflammation by reducing prostaglandin activity. Researchers also believe that curcumin increases cortisone's anti-inflammatory action by making the body more sensitive to this hormone. Curcumin can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), as well as other enzymes that have been implicated in inflammation. Curcumin has also been shown to work through numerous other mechanisms. More than 700 genes have been shown to be modulated by curcumin. There is numerous experimental data that suggest that curcumin can accelerate wound healing. It's as strong as NSAID's, but without the negative side effects.
Vitamin-C absolute cure for restless legs syndrome Lemon Balm anti-inflammatory
Sometimes, the most beneficial natural health remedies are the ones that have been around the longest. That?s certainly the case with lemon balm, a fast-growing plant that?s been studied for its effects on everything from insomnia to cancer. This herb can help fight free radical damage in ways that may prove to be remarkable in natural medicine.
Omega-3-Fatty-Acids absolute cure for restless legs syndrome Omega 3 anti-inflammatory
natural antihistamine
Extensive research indicates that omega-3 fats reduce inflammation, helping to prevent inflammatory diseases like heart disease and arthritis. In addition to warding off inflammation, omega-3's are also essential to the brain, impacting behavior and cognitive function. The omega-3 fatty acids can also be natural antihistamines that are useful to combat allergies as they reduce the inflammatory reaction associated with allergies. 5.6.
valeriRestless Legs Remedy Valerian Tea anti-inflammatory
natural antihistamine
lowers glutamate level
Valerian works exceedingly well for anxiety, insomnia and stress. Many people don't know about one of the oldest herbs in existence valerian. Valerian has many healing qualities ... in fact the latin root word valere means to be healthy. Valerian is one of the best herbs for stress ... helping with insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, and inducing relaxation. Valerian is a good anti-inflammatory agent helping with swelling, pain, and redness??? plus it also calms nerves ... and promotes peace of mind. The University of Maryland Medical Center says valerian root might increase the concentration of GABA within your brain. Because of this action, valerian is often prescribed as a natural remedy for anxiety and those affected by insomnia. It might take up to three weeks of consistent use for its effects to be felt. Valerian root is not only a powerful anxiolytic, it's also a natural antihistamine. Drink a cup every night before bed. It's very calming. PLEASE NOTE: valerian has a powerful unpleasant smell and also tastes quite bitter. What I do to take the edge off is mix in a some peppermint (which is another anti-inflammatory). The peppermint takes away a lot of the bitterness (and a bit of the strong odor). 15.16.17.
drinking-water absolute cure for restless legs syndrome Water anti-inflammatory
natural antihistamine
Drinking plenty of water is one of the most effective natural remedies for inflammation. Water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health. To reduce internal inflammation, drink water to carry away waste products. The body needs water to carry away waste products. Clean water instead of coffee or soda gives the body clean water in the bucket to do its cleaning with. Drink lots of water at regular intervals during the day. Your body releases histamine in order to stop water loss. If you give your body adequate amounts of water, less histamine will be released. This is very important. Many people who suffer from histamine problems are not drinking enough water.

Go to your local health food store and purchase a bottle of Curcumin, L-Theanine, Omega 3 and a few ounces of Valerian Tea (I would also purchase some Peppermint to mix in with the valerian tea to take the edge off. It is very pungent).

If any of these supplements are not available in your area, replace them with another that IS available from the list on the Daily Intake Page.

Go to your local grocery store and purchase a large bottle of Carrot Juice.

As far as the Water goes, drink as much as you are able.

When taking the supplements, follow the recommended dosage stated on the bottle. Amounts may vary with different companies, so make sure to read the bottle carefully to see what their recommended dosage is.

Before each meal, drink a few ounces of carrot juice. Again, drink as much water thoughout the day as you can.

These supplements, the water and the carrot juice will begin the healing the inflamed cells that are causing your restless legs.

To help the healing process along, please do your very best to avoid the RLS "triggers" that I go into great deal about on this website. They include alcohol, sugar, MSG, aspartame, caffeine, dairy, gluten and excessive use of salt.

By taking these supplements along with a reasonable diet, you should notice an improvement within a few weeks. Some people even notice a change after a few days.

Once you determine without a doubt that your RLS is getting better, and there is hope ... it's time to go at it with everything you have. Purchase as many as the herbs and supplements listed on the Daily Intake page as you feel comfortable doing.

restless legs pretest

Check with your pharmacist if any of the supplements or herbs conflict with your current medical situation (ie: pregnancy, taking antidepressants, upcoming operation etc.).

restless legs pretest

Change your diet as you are able. As you continue to eliminate inflammatory foods (the good tasting stuff that you really like) and replace it with anti-inflammatory foods (the not so good tasting stuff) - the body will adjust and you do actually get used to it.

Like everything else in life, the more you put into your recovery, the more profound your recovery will be.

The payoff for the sacrifices you are making will be astounding!

I would also appreciate your feedback. Let me know how your pretest went, or, if you decide to go all out, let me know how the overall remedy worked for you. You can find my contact information at the bottom of every page on this website.

Good luck in your recovery!

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1203 Stanton Rd. Ottawa, Ontario  K2C 3C9  Canada